195. Election Result Declared Invalid – by Monty

I awoke on Friday morning expecting to take up my post as one of the Prime Ministers, only to find that an enormous mistake had been made. For some reason, not a single one of our votes had been included in the final tally. As you can imagine, I was nonplussed to say the least.

I immediately decided to ring the Government, but as Chicken and I are the Government, found myself in a rather difficult situation. As an emergency measure, I decided to ring Bob at the Council.

I had thought better of him.

Bob at the Council said that the results had been officially verified and that there was in fact, no record anywhere of the Greyhounds In Charge Party. Whatever mischief is afoot, Bob is obviously involved and by extension – not to be trusted.

It is clear to anyone with even an ounce of common sense, that the election was rigged. Therefore, in my capacity as Prime Minister, I have declared the election results INVALID.

REMAIN CALM people. I have already started a public enquiry and will publish my findings post-haste.

Chicken is furious.

Monty The Great, PM

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9 thoughts on “195. Election Result Declared Invalid – by Monty

  1. We totally agree with you Monty, the results cannot be valid. The world would be a much better place when countries were run by hounds 😎🐾🐾

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Heavens to Betsy Monty I have bought all the sausages for the cabinet meetings. I shall have to eat them all myself. Mum says it is a hung parliament which is like washing but without the pegs. Mostly I am lazing about in the sunshine watching the bees buzz. Big wags Daisydog xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are lucky to have sunshine. We have rain and wind here. With regards to the above mentioned sausages – carrying out a public enquiry is hungry work. Just saying. Also, I don’t know quite what your mum is planning, but I’m not having any politicians hanging from my washing line, with or without pegs. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Monty 🐾


  3. I blame the Russians…. Is that a thing?

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve checked my garden and there are no Russians out there. I doubt they had anything to do with it. Unless Chicken has spoken to them ….. πŸ€”
      Monty 🐾


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