204. Amazing Chicken – by Monty.

I will be the first to admit that in recent times I have rather lost sight of who I am. I put this down to the shock that my body has been going through, since the illegal withdrawing of the approved a la carte menu. Though fully aware of this crime against humanity, I felt unable to rally myself to action.

Luckily, I have my right hand man Chicken looking out for me. Admittedly, she went about administering help in a rather uncouth fashion, but administer help she did. By literally throwing me a lifeline. In the form of a very large book.

The book which roused me from my stupor was none other than the highly acclaimed 1996 addition ofΒ How To Win Yourself A Home And Control Your Humans Once You Get There.Β 

I cannot believe that I did not immediately refer to this volume! I have used this text during many of my lectures to recently retired greyhounds to great effect. I intend to follow – to the letter – all the instructions given in the chapter about food. The Fairy is no match for me!


On a more serious note: teeth. Mine are excellent. Mine are the best teeth that the vet has ever seen on a greyhound. They are made of reinforced concrete and have side-impact protection bars installed as standard. They are big, strong, and responsible for many of the compliments that I receive on a daily basis.

Chicken’s, on the other hand, are rubbish. So rubbish in fact, that she has had to have six of them taken out. She is a little out of sorts at the moment but is recovering well. A bit droolly but I’m hoping that passes.


She’s in safe hands

She has nothing to fear. From this moment on I will be taking full responsibility for her rehabilitation and wellbeing. I consider it an honour to be able to look after her. She is in safe hands.


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7 thoughts on “204. Amazing Chicken – by Monty.

  1. Oh poor Chicken! We wish you a very speedy recovery dear friend πŸ˜šπŸ’•πŸ—

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh chicken we send big hugs. But Monty will take great care of you. Who needs teeth when there is weetabix for breakfast? Much love Daisydog xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh no! Poor Chicken! Those gorgeous munchy teeth. You may have to have special human softy foods for your healing gums. Guard it well and eat it heartily. Hear that, M?? No stealing the special foods!! Get well soon, sweetie. You are for sure in good paws….

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. She’s had shredded chicken so Monty had to have it as well, but I did have to keep an eye on him!
      Tess 🐾


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