219. Dear Rudolf – by Chicken

Dear Mr Lovely Rudolf,

I is very very really sorry for being rudy rude to you last year. You is a lovely reindeer and everybody loves you and very sorry. 

From Chicken xxx


Merrily Christmas, Rudolf!

Then I did do an apology to stupid Rudolf because Monty donty did sticking up for me with the mean polar bear. He did say that the polar bear was all staring at me because he thinks I is so pretty and I does know this is true. Monty did also say I will gets loads of a lot of presents and I does think one of them will be a puinnea gig and I will play with it and look after it but not eats it.

Monty did say I hads to be a good girl and I did say that I will be a good girl and I didn’t say that I all wouldn’t do anything or nots do anything in extra change for my sorry letter and I dids tell Monty that he is my favourite and I does think he is all great and I did never think of anything to do to make him embarrassed because I is a good girl.


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2 thoughts on “219. Dear Rudolf – by Chicken

  1. Well done Chicken. Santa has been and he has brought me a lovely pink scarf… and gin. We love Santa. Xx


  2. We always knew you were a good girl, C. Your letter was very heartfelt. Way to go!

    Merry Christmas!
    Love and licks,


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