186. I Is NOT Incompetent – by Chicken


I did go to see the vetty vet and Monty McDonty did not all go with me because he did have something important to do in his office and he didn’t come out his office so we left him.

Then the vetty vet did say I was incompetent and then she did try to give me a biscuit but I did decidered not to eat it because Monty did say he doesn’t eat anything the vetty vet does gives him until he has had it analysed for medicinal ingredients and determined it to be necessary. He did say the vetty vet tries to trick him into eating medicine but he doesn’t fall for it, so I did decide not to fall over either. The vetty vet did say she could give me medicine to make me non-incompetent so I is going to ask Monty if this is necessary.

When I did gets home I did tell Monty that the vet did say I was incompetent and he was all angry mad and did standing up for me so I does love him again today. He did say that telling young ladies that they is incompetent damages their self steam and limits their pot end shells. He did say he was going to give her a piece of his mind but he didn’t know when he would all get the time to go down there.


Me being non-incompetent 

He did say I was not incompetent at all and that I was very competent and useful at times and that there was much things I was all goody at so I didn’t need to eat the medicine. I did ask him to tell me all the things I was goody at and he did say there was too many loads to mention. Then I did ask him to say just one thing that I was goody at and he did say it was all better if he did write everything down on a big list and he did go in his office to plan my big list.

He is still there.

Working on my big list.


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4 thoughts on “186. I Is NOT Incompetent – by Chicken

  1. I love a list – mum makes a big one at Christmas. And my birthday. I am eleven this year and am to have a party. Whoop. Whoop.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Eleven! You don’t look a day over four. I think you should expect eleven presents Daisydog. At least.
    Monty and Chicken 🐾

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  3. That is not the face and teeth of an incompetent doggie. The vet is a psychotic mental case. You may be missing out on the medicine, though. Mom puts mine into a blob of cream cheese and it is very delicious!

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

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